TÜBİSAD Information and Communication Technologies Sector and E-Commerce 2017 Market Data Reports

Turkey IT sector reached 117 billion TL Information Industry Association (TÜBİSAD) prepared "The Information and Communication Technology Sector Market Data for 2017" and according to the research, Turkey's IT market has reached the size of 116.9 billion TL in 2017. While 18.2% growth was realized on TL basis, IT market reached 41.3 billion TL with a growth of 18.9% on the basis of TL and communication technologies reached 75.6 billion TL with a growth of 17.8%. The sector has grown since 2012 by an average of 15% annually, during which time the sector has doubled. The size of the subcategories of the İT sector, which reached 41.3 billion TL in 2017, is as the following:
- IT hardware: 16,0 billion TL
- IT software: 18,8 billion TL
- IT service: 6,4 billion TL

In the IT category, the highest growth rate compared to the previous year was realized in the service category with 29.1 %. Growth in the service sector was followed by software with 20.5% and hardware with 13.8%. The communication technology sector had a size of 75.6 billion TL in 2017. The distribution of the subcategories is: Communication Technologies hardware: 24.5 billion TL Communication Technologies electronic communication: 51.1 billion TL Export is 1.3 billion USD According to the report, the total export figüre of the sector increased by 10.6% compared to the previous year, reaching 1.3 billion USD. 898 million USD of total exports came from the software. Software exports grew 13% in USD terms compared to last year. Especially with the increase in exchange rates and the support of export oriented policies, sector exports have doubled in USD terms in the last 3 years. According to the report, the largest export was made to the European Union (EU) countries with 63%. Employment In 2017, the total employment of the sector was 128 thousand people. 5% increase in total employment (in comparable growth) was recorded. 69% of the total employment of the sector is in the IT category. Growth in technocities continues Technocities continued to grow in 2017, the turnover generated by technocities increased by 36.6% compared to the previous year and reached 15.8 billion TL. With these data, 14% of the total sectoral volüme was created in technocities.
E-Commerce increased by 37% According to the TÜBİSAD "Turkey E-Commerce Market Size - 2017" report, the size of the e-commerce sector increased to 42.2 billion TL with 37% growth.The average annual growth rate of the sector between the years 2013-2017 was 32%. The sub-breakdowns are as the following: Holiday-travel: 14.8 billion TL (47% annual growth) Online retail only: 14.7 billion TL (31 % annual growth) Multi-channel online retail: 8.2 billion TL (32% annual growth) Online betting: 4.4 billion TL (39% annual growth).
This year's press conference of E-Commerce moderated in the second part of the announcement of data, Media Markt Turkey’s CEO Yenal Gökyıldırım, Hepsiburada’s Corporate Affairs Group President Koray Öztürkler, Garanti Technology’s Vice General Director Reha Emekli and The Interbank Card Center (BKM)’s CEO Soner Canko the panelists where “New Competitive Environment of Turkish e-Commerce Market” held a panel titled.
Issues such as the barriers in front of the growth of the e-commerce market in the panel, the effects of new players on e-commerce market and sector companies, alternative payment systems in e-commerce, sector effects of closing credit cards to internet shopping, new products and services.
TÜBİSAD ICT Sector For the 2017 Market Data Report here, TÜBİSAD E-Commerce 2017 Market Size Report can be found here.